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You Can Make A Difference

Each child we save represents a victory over adversity and a chance for a better future. We are inspired by the stories of these children and the impact that our work has on their lives. Your support can make a real and lasting difference in the world. Together, we can create a brighter tomorrow for children in need. Please support the life-saving work of Gift of Life International.

All contributions go directly to the children's healthcare & accommodations

As a volunteer organization with no paid staff, all contributions go directly to paying for the children’s healthcare and accommodations. The families of the children stay at FedEX Family House both before and after the surgery, where they receive meals and transportation support from volunteers.

Gift of Life Mid-South has witnessed substantial growth in the number of children served, volunteers involved, and community participation since its inception. This program serves as a source of hope and assistance to those in need and contributes to the promotion of peace and understanding worldwide.

Gift of Life Mid-South is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Become A Volunteer

Volunteer Rotary Club volunteers are a critical part of the Gift of Life mission. Volunteers and their families have the opportunity to get to know our guest families on a personal level. The host Club provides meals and transportation during the family’s stay in Memphis. Volunteers also accompany families to clinic visits and provide support during the hospital stay. Contact us now!

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